Demo of Voice AI from Tayside Online

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When some people think of "Voice AI", they immediately think of that robotic & annoying answering service at the bank that doesn't understand anything.This demo is to show you how far Voice AI has come over the past few months. Not only does it sound fabulous, it can also take actions after the call.So... How can Voice AI give your business the competitive advantage?

Other demo types (coming soon)

Use CaseDescriptionIndustry examples
AI Booking AssistantVoice AI can create, amend or delete calendar entries. It is smart enough to know the available times and details of each event already in the calendarBooking and rearranging appointments for a dentists' offices/hair dressers/ Tattoo studios
AI SwitchboardInstead of the current "Please press 1" or "What is your mother's maiden name", Voice AI can provide a much more humane and empathetic repsonses than the Status callAny business where IVRs are in use
AI VoicemailUse Voice AI as a clever voice mail handler that can interact with the caller, instead of just recording their voice. For example, it can ask clarifying questions to ensure a detailed message is recorded.After hours service for vets, medical centers